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Responsible Sourcing

Evaluating and responding to social, environmental, and economic conditions in the places where we source coffee is an integral—and evolving—aspect of our business. For us, Responsible Sourcing starts with an honest assessment of conditions. From there, we work with farmers and others to enact changes that benefit farmers, their families, farm workers, and the natural environment.

Coffee Verification Program

Our Coffee Verification Program is the cornerstone of Responsible Sourcing at Peet’s. Since 2016, we’ve implemented the program with non-profit partner Enveritas which has developed the most innovative, inclusive, and accurate measurement of farm-level sustainability conditions. The program’s focus is in two areas:


Each year during the coffee harvest, Enveritas evaluates our farmers and millers according to key social, environmental, and economic standards. We review results, celebrate successes, and identify opportunities for improvement. We’re on a pathway to measure all coffees annually in this manner, and we’re most of the way there.


With these evaluations as our starting point and guide, and working alongside partners at the point of origin, we undertake targeted efforts to make sustainability improvements. This work is long-term in nature, and we aspire to reach every origin from which we source. We detail some of these efforts in the Impact section below.


Direct Trade coffees are from farmers with whom we have a long history, and whom we visit regularly and in person. Crucially, Peet’s Direct Trade coffees are also verified by Enveritas, an impartial third-party sustainability verification organization. Peet’s definition of Direct Trade also requires that we collaborate with the farmer on a community project.


Certifications are another way to evaluate social, environmental, and economic conditions at farm- and mill-level during coffee production and processing. A number of our coffees carry Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and Bird-friendly certifications.


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